Friday, May 24, 2013

Sims 4 annouced for 2014

EA announced Sims 4 with no exact date yet (there is not official info that it may come in Q1 or Q2).
Sims 4 will be offline game (not like SC5).
We will be waiting for more info EA! :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Defence tips for Idle Worship - when you're getting attacked

1. Suck up to some GOOD high level player, gift him and worship. If you're getting attacked ASK nicely for help.

2. DON'T provoke players that are way much higher level than you or you're kinda dead.

3. Don't have too many muddlings (much to reconver eh?). Supporters for moai +2/3 should be enought.

4. Cast yer shields as often as you can, prioritize islands with more muddlings or where your muddlings have less faith.

5. Cast monotheism AFTER the offender converted all your muddlings on island or wasted all belief or went offline.

6. Keep your spare muddlings in houses (you do this by dropping ONLY one mudling on the house, if there are two they will do bad dirrty things :D).

7. Don't try to hurt the offender if he/she is really higher level than you (5+ difference).

8. If you want to get rid of converts and don't want offender to notice, just flick them. It's 1 convert per 10 min, make new for those who are gone (multiply or create mud).

9. Prevention. Don't touch higher level players converts.

10. Level up, the higher are you the less attacks you will get :) 

11. (last point added by IW forum mod Alex) Influence: Build decorations that give Influence on your island and all powers you cast there will be more powerful! Recover faster and keep your Mudlings happier for less Belief with Influence.

Ps.: My tips got on da support paaageee wooohhooo 

You guys need some tips how to make good start in Idle Worship??

Monday, March 5, 2012

14 March

Is the Idle Worship launch :D Yaaaay.
Some new features should appear too!
Watch this:
 Are you excited?? I can't wait especially for the blobites
And this is one of my islands :]

Monday, December 12, 2011

December My Shops Secret Phone Numbers


Go to My Phone menu, then call and insert those numbers. Somerewards waiting for you ;)